Photography and the Benefits of Natural Light

During your photography sessions, the most important aspect that you should focus on to improve the overall quality of your photographs is the light. Your best bet would be to take photographs outdoors if you can during the day time as natural light is perhaps one of the best sources of light for a camera.

Although indoor artificial lighting can be used, the sunlight is much more reliable as the lumen output is massive compared to a standard 6400k color spectrum bulb. If you can take your photographs outdoors then ensure it's a nice day and no rain is expected or you could end up with a disastrous situation.

With natural sunlight, the light scatters throughout the earth and every camera loves this but beware as mid-day light tends to be a more direct form of light and not scattered which means subjects that you take pictures of will have indirect lighting.

The best time for outdoor photography is perhaps in the early morning when there is a slight mist in the air as this scatters light tremendously and the mist gives your subjects very unique looks. Just before the sun sets is also a great time to start taking your photographs and this time of day has been considered the overall best time as the light is perfect and the photographs you can achieve will be tremendous.

With outdoor photography, the best season to take your photographs is during the summer months when the suns light color spectrum is daylight and very bright unlike the autumn months where the color spectrum is more of an orange. These color spectrums are 6400 Kelvin for summer and 2700 Kelvin for autumn. This doesn't mean that taking photographs outdoors during the autumn months is out of question as you can produce some spectacular pictures such as leaves falling from trees etc.

Photography during any season will work and can give you a taste of everything in terms of subjects, scenery and it will give you the chance to experiment with different types of lighting too. Try and go out at different times throughout the days and see which you like best. After a while it will become completely natural to you and you will be developing superior photographs every single session.

If you're going to experiment with natural light outdoors during your next photography session then remember to bring things likes covers etc so you can shelter your camera and other equipment. Water can seriously damage your camera and equipment so take all necessary precautions. You may even want to check the weather forecast before you head out.

Don't be experiment with different types of lighting, both outdoors with the sun during different times of the day and indoors with artificial lighting in different angles and with different power outputs. When it comes to photography, possibilities are endless and can you entertained for a very long time. Don't let photography bore you as there is so much more to offer than you would expect.
